Edited by Shizue Seigel
Pease Press, 328 pp, 100 color images. $17.95
Publication date: June 2021
ISBN: 978-0-9904173-9-2
Watch the book launch on YouTube HERE
Watch Oakland Asian Cultural Center creative showcase HERE.
130 writers and artists respond to the unprecedented uncertainty of our times with prose, poetry, and visual art reflecting their Bay Area realities as Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Color or White allies.
The pandemic and other events have tested every fiber of our being and shaken our relationships with family, community, the nation, and the earth itself. As our basic assumptions about lifewere upended again and again, what essential truths emerged?
• What has it been like living with uncertainty?
• What did we lose, what have we released, what have we gained?
• What has tested and inspired us as people of color or allies?
• What gives us strength to keep going?
• What have we learned? How are we working for positive, sustainable change?
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS (partial list) See complete list of contributors HERE
Tongo Eisen-Martin, Poet Laureate of San Francisco
Kim Shuck, Poet Laureate Emerita of San Francisco
Rafael Jesús González, Poet Laureate of Berkeley
Kimi Sugioka, Poet Laureate of Alameda
Ann Muto, Poet Laureate Emerita of Cupertino
Avotcja, poet, musician and DJ KPOO and KPFA radio
Celeste Chan, Chinese American queer activist
Dena Rod, Iranian American poet and queer activist
Elmaz Abinader, lebanese American writer, and educator, co-founder of VONA/Voices
James Cagney, African American poet
Josiah Luis Alderete, Chicano poet
Karla Brundage, African American writer
Karina Muǹiz Pagan, Latinx labor organizer
Kevin Madrigal Galindo, writer and food justice advocate
Nancy Wang, Chinese American writer/performer, Eth-Noh-Tec
Sandra Bass, Associate Dean and Director of the UC Berkeley Public Service Center
Susana Praver-Perez, Assistant Medical Director, Clinica de la Raza, Oakland
Tony Aldorondo, Puerto Rican American poet/performer
Tony Robles, Filipinx America poet and activist
Truong Tran, Vietnamese American poet and educator
Tureeda Mikell, poet, storyteller, energy therapist
Hassan Abdul-Haqq, community gardener &
Wei-Ming Dariotis, Professor of Asian American Studies, San Francisco State
Karen Seneferu, African American artist, educator, and co-founder of The Black Woman Is God
Adrian Arias, Peruvian poet, artist, performer
Ajuan Mance, African American visual artist and professor of English at Mills College
C.K Itamura, Japanese Americanartist
Cece Carpio, Filipinx street muralist
Cindy Shih, Chinese American painter
Cynthia Brannvall. African American artist and faculty member, Foothill Community College
Edsel Rivera, Nuyorican street mural photographer
Elaine Chu & Marine Pérez-Wong, Twin Walls Mural Company
Lorraine Bonner, African American sculptor and poet
Malik Seneferu, African American artist, educator, and community activist
Mark Harris, African American artist
Wanda Sabir, journalist, Wanda’s Picks podcast and educator, College of Alameda